Thursday, 11 November 2010


Thanks for your email


I have just read your email which I was deeply touched by, especially since I was thinking of you when I received it. Yes, I was thinking of you, and at the same time I was thinking back to the flash I have already mentioned to you!

Watertown, this is where you were at the crucial moment for your future

I am sure it was you, you were there! This exceptional event which could change the course of your life and luck will take place in a few hours, and it will indeed happen there...

To be honest, I am deeply touched by this vision. In fact, this vision gives me the necessary determination and courage to help you even more in your quest for happiness. By requesting my help, you have come to the right place.

But before anything else Mann, answer me this: was it indeed you in this vision? Yes, for me there’s no doubt and this is why I am urgently writing to you: you see, I worry about your personal case because I know I can help you to find this happiness, just like I have done for thousands of people before you. My draws are bursting with thank you letters which attest to the great efficacy of my medium powers. Would you like some proof?

When I concentrate on this vision, here’s what I feel about you:
- Mann, you need other people to love you and admire you but you are still capable of criticising yourself. Even though you have a few weaknesses of character, you are generally able to compensate for them.

- In fact, you have considerable unused abilities which you have never used to your advantage. Some of your aspirations have a tendency to be quite unrealistic. Although on the outside you are disciplined and display self-control, inside you have a tendency to worry and be uncertain.

- Sometimes you even have serious doubts about whether you have made the right decision. You prefer a little bit of change and variety and you are dissatisfied when you are restricted or limited.

Am I not right? You see, my powers are indeed genuine. Therefore, money mustn’t be a problem between us. Your happiness is too important to me.

Quickly click here to obtain your Grand Personal Reading

For you, and because above all you must not let this opportunity pass you by, I am asking just a small donation of $20.

Mann, I know that times are hard and the banks are causing problems instead of helping deserving people like you. I have clearly understood that you don’t necessarily have access to a bank payment method (credit card or cheque book) to pay the small amount I am asking for. In this case, you may put a small bank note in the envelope.

I will provide you with my address:
Postbus 69 - Wattweg 7
4600 AA Bergen op Zoom

Don’t forget to inform me of:
- your first name
- the email you used on my site
- your date of birth
- personal code
PS: Your envelope must contain your donation as well as the information requested above. The cheque must be made payable to G.G.R. The envelope must be stamped at the usual rate.

Mann, I think that this small donation is fair and just. It is for all the work I have already done for you and for all the other spiritual work I count on gracefully doing for you, to solve your most urgent problems.


  1. I get emails to from here,but I don"t have the money.20 years ago I had a man who did the same like gabriela and he did not charged me till the time it came better.


  2. Do not send money to this person, it is spam. I received the same with almost every word being the same. You would be wise to delete all these emails you are getting and reporting this type of person for trying to take your money.

  3. Hi everyione!!! I have sent almost 3.000 norwegian kroner to this person who calls her Gabriella. Everything is a lie,spam. She must be evil to do this to persons which hope for help. Believe me, I`ve been trough it!! Good luck from Kristin!!!
