Thursday, 4 November 2010

rather sas

: That works with me
Daionnte: all capricorns go trough stuff like this
Daionnte: all
BeckyLynne: Yes I know that
Daionnte: good
Daionnte: no caps is ever a dummy thou
Daionnte: feeling better my sweetheart?
BeckyLynne: Yes and no
Daionnte: ok explain thje 'no' part
Daionnte: althou I can guess
BeckyLynne: Well then guess
Daionnte: nbothing is being rsolved
Daionnte: nothing
Daionnte: only in time
Daionnte: and perhaps
Daionnte: nothing will change
Daionnte: but that is not whats important
Daionnte: is more important that you dont let other peoples idea of you afect your idea of who
Daionnte: you are'
BeckyLynne: I am pretty sure somethings are supposed to be the way they are right now in my life.
Daionnte: yes
BeckyLynne: Oh truth me i havent cared about what others thought about me in years
BeckyLynne: But sometimes it still geets to me
Daionnte: then you're already strong
Daionnte: that is only normal ,,it proves youre still alive
BeckyLynne: But only when it is someone I really love
Daionnte: and what action would that be that shakes your confidence?
Daionnte: on their part
BeckyLynne: They talk if you get what I mean
Daionnte: hey,,,,tongues are made for that
Daionnte: you could cut them
Daionnte: and still theyd be using sign language'
BeckyLynne: It wouldnt be so bad if they wouldd say it tomy face
Daionnte: but
BeckyLynne: I know sign languageby the way
Daionnte: dont imagine more than what goes on'
BeckyLynne: It is impossible for me to do that
Daionnte: why
BeckyLynne: Long story
Daionnte: sometimes we do
Daionnte: soemtimes we imagine more than what goes on
BeckyLynne: Yes but when you can hear what's going on "upstairs" it is hard to imagine what isnt there
Daionnte: upstairs?
BeckyLynne: read in to it
Daionnte: well try not to let oit get to you too much
Daionnte: i have been trough such ordeals
BeckyLynne: I try not too.
Daionnte: but have finally found ways to ignore it
BeckyLynne: It was my fault I shouldnt have let my guard down
Daionnte: you must have your guard up at all times
BeckyLynne: If I am around the living yes
Daionnte: what do you mean by that?
Daionnte: years ahead youll be the one laughing
Daionnte: they know that
BeckyLynne: Well the dead give off different waves then the living people are easy
Daionnte: many people go trough thta
Daionnte: its a matter of a challenge
Daionnte: and you know you will transend that
Daionnte: and rejoyce
Daionnte: not long from now
Daionnte: but let not the mind add more to it
Daionnte: instead us the mind to ignore stuff as such
Daionnte: everywhere i have lived it has been like that
Daionnte: byu now im inmune
Daionnte: and I dont feed the mind
Daionnte: i engage the mimd
Daionnte: that is the secret
Daionnte: live living above the world
BeckyLynne: I am glad that I met you and thank the goddess that I am different
Daionnte: yes that is the spirit
Daionnte: all that is mere jealousy
Daionnte: and you will be stronger for that
Daionnte: ignoring the weak is a skill
BeckyLynne: I am stronger then most think
Daionnte: yes i know
Daionnte: that is why some wanna bring you down
Daionnte: but they cant
Daionnte: uinless you feed into it
BeckyLynne: Not unless I let them
Daionnte: right
BeckyLynne: hahaha
Daionnte: say yoiur qwon prayer
Daionnte: of power
Daionnte: repeat it
Daionnte: then it gets stronger and they weaker
Daionnte: and before you know it
Daionnte: they will be fighing among each other
BeckyLynne: That is human nature
Daionnte: envy
Daionnte: that is the disease
Daionnte: prejudice
Daionnte: bd parenthood
Daionnte: \bad
Daionnte: bad
Daionnte: bad diet
Daionnte: tight clothes
Daionnte: sugar
Daionnte: sex
Daionnte: weakens the mind
Daionnte: amnd weak minds can only become pests
Daionnte: know your enemy
Daionnte: overcome your enemy
Daionnte: rise above it
BeckyLynne: People have become so simple
BeckyLynne: It is rather sad

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